Review of Great Poems of the English Language
by Maxwell Joslyn. .
Great Poems of the English Language
out of What Does The Score "4.0" Mean?
Good: Left a unique impression on me, and excels in multiple areas of written composition. Gets prioritized when digitizing my notes and excerpts.Selections from this volume kicked off my Favorite Poems page. Word list:
- rialto: n. theater district. Marketplace; exchange.
- pelf: n. wealth or riches, especially when dishonestly acquired. Frippery; rubbish; refuse; trash.
- welkin: n. firmament (the whole of the sky.)
- sursum corda: "hearts up", a phrase from the Mass
- sepulture: n. I knew the word "sepulcher" (tomb, burial place) and wondered if this was a synonym or variant spelling. It can mean the same thing as "sepulcher", but can also mean "the act of burial".
- uxorious: adj. excessively devoted to one's wife.