Review of China in Ten Words
by Maxwell Joslyn. .
China in Ten Words
out of What Does The Score "3.0" Mean?
Solid: Above the bar. Good parts greatly outweigh any shortcomings. I'm glad to have read it once.Chinese title: 十个词汇里的中国. Chris Stasse, Alexi C., and I are reading and responding to this as part of a Chinese reading group. Each chapter is an essay prompted by a single two-character Chinese word. Below are the ones I've read so far; I'll definitely end up blogging more about this book.
- 人民 People
- 领袖 Leader (finished 2020-09-21)
- 阅读 Reading (read 2020-10-10)
- 7 more chapters... [edit: the middle chapters turned into a slog, and we gave up.]