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Letter to h0p3 - Salutations, September 1st

Published at 20:04:00-0700
Tags: h0p3, correspondence

Originally an email.

Dearest philosophist,

I hope you are well. I was delighted, really actually delighted, to see that you are now collecting Chinese phrases on the "中国语录" page. I want to help you improve and expand this page's classification scheme and its contents. I've begun taking notes and will use the tiddler editor to add them when I can (unless there's a better way.)

Since I don't know how often you read my website, I thought I'd bring my website to you.

  1. Linguary: further thinking and design toward the "linguist's working environment" application I mused about in my last letter to you.

  2. New poems and parodies, which ought to tickle the same part of you which "The Bunghole" tickled:

  3. I've lightly updated the text of "Man from H.0.P.3.". Just letting you know in case you want to do an update, though I like the idea of your webpage preserving the original.

